Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hawai'i...What, when, and can I come with you?

Dear Friends and Family: As most of you are already aware of by now the Gleason Family is moving to Hawai'i. Everything is happening so fast that I apologize if you have not heard this yet and the news is shocking. You may be sad (or not), but you should definitely be happy about now knowing someone who lives in Hawai'i so you can come visit :)
We are moving because I have accepted a job with McREL/Pacific Center for Changing the Odds. This is a non-profit education research company who works on education issues throughout the Pacific region. I am very excited to start working with this group and I am expecting great things. I will miss the many dear friends I have made at my time at the Louisiana State Department of Education, and hope through Facebook, this blog, and personal emails to stay in touch with them all!
Luke is trying to get a job at the Whole Foods there in Kailua, where we will be living. Hoping that works out, but I also know the cheffing industry there will offer some exciting opportunities for Luke as well.
Here is the scoop on where we will be. We will be living in Kailua, which is on the island of Oahu (think Honolulu and Waikiki). Here is a link to explore the islands of Hawai'i: http://www.gohawaii.com/ We will be living with Courtney (aka Tutu) and John (aka Koa)(and Uncle JT when he is home from college). They are graciously taking us in...I'm taking bets on how many months (or days) it may take for us to drive them insane :)
We will be flying to our new home on May 1st and will be there indefinitely!
Anyway, I just wanted to publish this first post as a general info post. My plan is to publish a post once a week so everyone can keep up with us, watch the kids grow up, live vicariously, and just overall make me feel like we are actually important enough for people to want to follow ;) We will miss our mainland friends very much, but are greatly looking forward to this new chapter in our lives!